Z station Öppettider I Wellington, NZ

All stationer Z station i Wellington: 10

Tid i Nya Zeeland: 03:20:28

Z station Mana, Wellington

143 The Esplanade

Öppnar nu, tills 23:59

Z station Seaview, Wellington

Cnr Seaview Road and Parkside Road

Öppnas på 06:00 idag

Z station Johnsonville, Wellington

136-140 Johnsonville Road

Öppnar nu, tills 23:59

Z station Wellington, Wellington

110 Churchill Drive

Öppnas på 06:00 idag

Z station Wellington, Wellington

Cnr Customhouse Quay and Whitmore Street

Öppnar nu, tills 23:59

Z station Wellington, Wellington

155 Taranaki Street

Öppnar nu, tills 23:59

Z station Newtown, Wellington

35-41 Constable Street

Öppnar nu, tills 23:59

Z station Kilbirnie, Wellington

16-22 Coutts Street

Öppnas på 06:00 idag

Z station Miramar, Wellington

27 Miramar Avenue

Öppnar nu, tills 23:59

Z station Strathmore, Wellington

Cnr Calabar Rd and Broadway

Öppnar nu, tills 23:59